
You will learn how to start working with Excel’s formulas and functions to manipulate both numbers and text and you’ll also find out how to create charts so you can communicate information effortlessly to your clients and colleagues.

What this course will do for you

To be able to use a spreadsheet confidently has now become part of most people’s work.  However, it’s also where many people flounder because of lack of confidence and the necessary skills.  This course will give you the confidence and skills to use an Excel spreadsheet to enter, change and analyse information necessary to do your job. You will learn how to start working with Excel’s formulas and functions to manipulate both numbers and text and you’ll also find out how to create charts so you can communicate information effortlessly to your clients and colleagues. By completing structured exercises, using data relevant to your work, this course will show you how easy it is to use Excel and get the skills to become more efficient and productive in your work. It also prepares you for moving on to the Microsoft Excel Level 2 Course.

What you'll learn

An Introduction to the Excel Environment

  • Accurately distinguish and use different parts of the Excel screen.
  • Understand cell referencing.

Basic Spreadsheet Skills

  • Enter spreadsheet data
  • Edit, clear and delete spreadsheet data.
  • Insert and delete columns and rows.
  • Adjust column widths and row heights.

Moving and Copying Data

  • Move and copy the data provided using icons.
  • Move and copy the data provided using the mouse.

Formatting Cells

  • Correctly apply cell font formatting
  • Correctly apply numeric formatting.
  • Correctly apply advanced cell formats using the Format Cells window.
  • Clear out formats from cells accurately.
  • Copy formatting using the Format Painter.

Working with Worksheets

  • Insert and rename new worksheets efficiently.
  • Delete worksheets.
  • Move and copy worksheets using the mouse.
  • Link worksheets to copy data onto multiple sheets.


  • Quickly copy the contents of a cell by “dragging down”.
  • Automatically enter sequential dates, days, months.
  • Create your own numeric sequences.

Excel Formulas

  • Accurately enter an Excel formula.
  • Adding, Subtracting, Dividing and Multiplying in an Excel spreadsheet.

Working with Basic Excel Functions

  • Accurately enter SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE, COUNTA and TODAY functions.

Using Quick Analysis

  • Entering formulas using the Quick Analysis feature.

Freeze Rows and Columns

  • Keep a portion of the sheet visible while the rest of the sheet scrolls.

Sorting and Filtering Data

  • Sort data into alphabetical or numeric order.
  • Use Custom Sorting to sort to more than one level.
  • Filter data to show only the data you want to see.


  • How to use the Print and Print Preview areas.
  • How to change margins and paper size
  • Using Headers and Footers
  • Scaling the page to fit on A4
  • Using Page Layout View

Simple Charts

  • How to insert a simple chart to show your data accurately.
  • How to modify a chart